Divine Designs

Freelance work for a local interior and garden design business. The site uses Prismic CMS to allow the business to update content, and uses Next.js for static generation for speedy load times.


I was approached by Divine Designs, a UK interior design business who were looking to expand their business with a website. I was tasked to build a site, with updatable content which could be easily edited by someone without web experience. The site had to fit in with company branding, and have a minimalist feel. I began sketching out the website which then got prototyped with Adobe XD. Upon approval I provided options on tech that could be used to make the site updatable, and we settled for Prismic. Each section of the prototype was recreated within Prismic.

If you’ve never heard of Prismic, it’s a headless CMS which focuses around “slices”. Slices are simply a component that can be thought of as a section of a webpage. For example we have Hero and Text slices. These slices allow their content to be updated, and the order of them can be changed which allows the end user a huge number of ways to update their webpage.

I chose to build the front-end using Next.js, a framework built on top of React. Next.js provides some great features including static generation, server-side rendering and is extremely quick to build with. As the website doesn’t use much dynamic content, I focused on the static generation route which provides fast load times and is easy to be crawled to benefit SEO. Whenever an update is published on Prismic, a web hook is triggered which causes Next.js to start its next build.